917 Merivale Road, Ottawa, ON

Closed Permanently.
Once upon a time, we were open, slinging coffees, teas and treats the Carlington and the wider community. We gave it our best try and had a ton of fun, but made the hard decision to close our doors. We are grateful for the support and love we received from our customers and the community. Support your local coffee shop and small businesses.

Read our Letter to the World.

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Fresh Bread Fridays at Carlington Coffee House

Fresh bread Fridays at Carlington Coffee House

We're excited to launch our newest offering: Fresh Bread Fridays! Every Friday at the Carlington Coffee House, we'll be bringing in some fresh breads from a few of our local partner bakeries. They'll be available for purchase until they're gone! Have a bread you want to see at the shop? Email us at info@carlingtoncoffeehouse.com and we'lll see what we can do.